
GENERAL INFO : hello my name is dani. you may call me dani/danifer/blanca/cherry! i'm over 25 years old, cisfemale, she/her and chicana.BASIC INFO: this is a private and independent roleplay blog for kate bishop, codename : hawkeye, earth 616 based / canon divergent focusing on YA vol 1 and Fraction Hawkeye. Some plotlines will be pulled from later writings, but primarily HC driven. i've been writing kate since march 6, 2015 meaning i have a lot...a LOT of my own takes on her.anti mcu / D+ Hawkeye / kelly thompson please tag all hawkeye tv series related things as ' #hawkeye tv ' failure to do so will result in a soft block. i do not care for the tv series nor either actor portraying the hawkeyes. please do me this small favor! thanks!21+ ONLY !!!BASIC RULES: i am a very busy person and for that reason, this blog is run entirely on mutuals only. i have a lot of built up relationships on here from the near decade of writing kate on this website. please understand that this is in no way shape or form a "clique" thing, but something i have created and developed heavily with people i have grown comfortable with.i am not a very talkative person either. i do often forget to reply to messages or fall off the face of the earth. don't take it personally. i just get very tired from one on one conversations and need to recharge for ... days on end. no i'm not exaggerating.all i ask is that you respect me and i'll respect you. we don't have to be the best of buds ooc to write. i have a lot of close writing partners on here that i don't really chat with ooc on the regular. so it is possible.any form of anon hate will not be acknowledged on the dash. i simply screenshot it and block the anon. that's it. no ego boost from you. no dick measuring. nothing.

DUPLICATES: i'm not the most comfortable with following duplicates of kate. i have had bad experiences in the past and would rather avoid it overall. again, exceptions can be made for friends and multis that have kate on their roster. i just wont go out searching to follow other kates.TAGGING: i do my best to tag all familiar triggers such as blood/gore, horror, any forms of nsfw ( if its explicit pics it's #nsfw and if its written its #nsfw text ), etc. if you need something in particular tagged, please let me know! as far as triggers for me, just do the general, nsfw is enough for me!do NOT leave any form of nsfw (nudity, sexual content, etc.) untagged. failure to do so will result in my soft blocking you. also please only use basic tags for this. i'm not in the mood to track down everyone's fancy nsfw tag. just plain #nsfw. at this point in the rpc that should be common sense.CREDITS : comic psd faceclaim psd

PORTRAYAL : my iteration of kate is not like her iteration presented in YA vol 2, anything kelly thompson wrote, and beyond. kate is a tactician and born leader. she's clumsy yes, but not to the point of being a meme. she's blunt, crude, rude, and very hard to intimidate. kate is an incredibly determined person who isn't afraid of going toe to toe with even the most formidable of heroes and villains. she's a gifted marksman and is set to one day surpass clint's aim.i don't tend to write with mcu based muses. exceptions are made for friends or heavy plotting. there's a lot in the mcu that i don't really find interesting / care for the changes made. so instead of forcing myself to go along with it, or you to follow my plotlines, i think it easier to just go seperate ways. but again, if you actually want to plot things out i am willing to give it a chance.SHIPPING: i understand kate's personality is something a lot of people gravitate towards / think is cute / think is shippable, but please understand i need a LOT of prior build up to even consider a potential ship between muses. i WILL NOT ship kate with any of the OG avengers or anyone who knew her when she was starting of with the YA and they were adults. kate was a teenager then and i will not participate in any form of grooming or aero erasure. with that being said, i will not ship kate with yelena. in any form of yelena being written, she is at least 40 years old when she meets kate, mcu and comic. not to mention she is ace. therefore, i will not condone any attempts at this ship at all.


BASIC INFORMATIONNAME: katherine elizabeth bishop.
NICKNAMES: kate, katie, kit-kat, bishop, kate katie hawkeye.
ALIASES: hawkeye, mockingbird, weapon woman, taskmistress, lady hawkeye.
AGE: 16-22.
NATIONALITY: american.
ETHNICITY: italian / german.
GENDER: female.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
SEXUALITY: bisexual.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCEHAIR: raven black, straight, long.
EYES: blue.
HEIGHT: 5’2” / 157.5cm.
WEIGHT: 115lbs.
BODY TYPE: fit / muscular / slender.
FASHION: modern / tomboy.
SCARS: several riddled across her body. most prominent is one across the bridge of her nose after she broke it in her early days of being hawkeye.
FACE CLAIM: emily rudd.

HISTORY formerly @callstheshxts and @bowcarried
PLEASE NOTE: my portrayal is heavily canon divergent and not a fan of recent portrayal of kate in comics. i am undecided on mcu kate ... stay tuned.
at the age of sixteen, katherine bishop first runs into the band of “would be” super powered teenage boys in the middle of her sister’s wedding. the church is held at gunpoint, and her future team comes storming into save the attendees. little did they know; kate was never the damsel in distress in this situation. she quickly assists the boys in saving them, as well as her future co-leader patriot, much to his discomfort by being saved by a girl with no powers.she later runs across a younger girl while at the hospital, cassie lang, who later shows kate where the old avengers hq was as she had grown up there most of her life. they ran into the boys once more and invited themselves to join the team. kate once again, coming to their rescue, bringing in old gear she found in the building, including mockingbird’s battle staves and mask, swordsman’s sword, black widow’s utility belt, and most notably hawkeye’s bow. the team fights and defeats kang the conqueror, now accepting kate and cassie as permanent members of the family.kate used some of her money to open up an old warehouse her family’s company once used and to give the team new costumes as well as codenames. much to the dismay of captain america and iron man, who previously ordered the teens to disband and refused to train them properly.it is later revealed, months before kate’s sister’s wedding, the young archer was assaulted at central park. it is assumed she was raped and left to her depression. her father sends her to therapy, but it is unclear he even knows what happened that day as kate later tells jessica jones for an article. joining the young avengers sparks up a new life and purpose in the teen, training in kickboxing and various other fighting styles to never allow what happened, happen to anyone else.❝life is short and it doesn’t matter how good your grades are — or how many hours you put in at the soup kitchen…you’re not safe. bad things happen. things you can’t control. and they will destroy you if you let them. or you can try to learn from them… so that next time, you’ll be prepared. so that —— even if you never feel safe again —– you can do your best to make sure that what happened to you never happens to anyone else. and if you’re very lucky… you won’t have to do it alone.❞the young avengers continue to fight without the approval of members of the old avengers team, making their mark on the world. fighting their way through the civil war, and various other adventures, kate is given the name hawkeye as well as clint’s old bow by jessica after kate stands up to captain america. much like the previous owner of the bow and codename had.the team goes on to search for what billy and tommy believe to be their mother, the scarlet witch/wanda maximoff. the adventure proves to be the most difficult for them yet, succeeding in finding her but at the greatest cost. after the death of kate’s best friend, cassie lang, the team disbands on their own, kate and eli being the first to voluntarily leave the team. later called back to the avengers mansion by ms. marvel where captain america dubs the remaining team official full-fledged avengers as well as unveiling a statue in cassie’s ( alongside her father ) and the vision’s honor.later on, kate finds herself going on many endeavors with clint barton, forming a somewhat dysfunctional, yet functional, team hawkeye. the pair goes on missions given to clint by s.h.i.e.l.d. as well as their own personal missions. clint teaches kate everything he knows about archery and his skills with trick arrows, while becoming somewhat a form of a mother hen to him.after some years working together, kate has a falling out with clint and leaves him for her own adventure of self-discovery, taking the one-eyed demon pizza dog lucky along with her to los angeles. nearly as soon as kate arrives, she runs into an old foe, madame masque who promptly begins to try to destroy kate’s life and kill her. while there, the young archer tries her best to help out the only way she could. by being an avenger, as well as becoming her own self-proclaimed private investigator. getting in trouble with the law just about every other day and quickly learning, los angeles is not necessarily the friendliest place ever.while on an investigation, kate discovers something she did not want to know. her father, now remarried to a former classmate of kate’s, has been secretly working with madame masque. prompting her to drive back home to new york immediately.before kate turns twenty-one, the team returns, sort of as billy accidentally brings an interdimensional parasite ( mother: earthtrn287 ) into their world. kate had originally had a romantic encounter with noh-varr, bringing him along to join the team, as well as new members loki and america chavez. it is unclear what happens to eli and tommy during this time, tommy’s return to the team after being captured is still left open. arriving at kate’s new year’s eve party and kissing her on the dance floor.


VERSE 1 : YOUNG AVENGER all takes place during young avengers vol 1. kate and her team of super powered fanboys and girls are just starting off as a team. together with eli, kate helps bring the group together and lead them into becoming young avengers.VERSE 2 : MAGNUM PI after the young avengers disband on their own terms, kate and the others go their separate way. this is the general timeline when kate is on her own trying to rediscover herself and continue life without being an avenger, proving impossible. she takes up the hawkeye mantle once more on her own and eventually finds her way to clint.VERSE 4 : BACK AT IT AGAIN kate has found herself with the original young avengers line up and is trying to make amends with the team after leaving them the first time for solo work. they may not be all that young, but they’re all still avengers at heart.VERSE 5 : PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR kate is still trying to make ends meet on the west coast. she's created her own private investigator business as well as created a new west coast avengers line up with the help of clint.ALT 1 : DC COMICS a new private investigation business has started in upstate new york in retaliation to her father's criminal work. kate has decided to create a name for herself in new york.


OVERCLOCKS : tony stark - mentor / friend / uncleSHESPY : natasha romanoff - friend / mother figureSHIELDSLINGER : steve rogers - friend / mentor / uncleINVOLUNTARYSPY : bucky barnes - friend / mentor / big brotherWOLVERINETM : bucky barnes - friend / mentor / big brother

DETECTIVC : tim drake - crush / friendYOUNGHEROICS : noh-varr - lover / it's complicatedYOUNGHEROICS : billy kaplan - best friendMASTCRMARKSMAN : clint barton - best friend / mentor / father figure
passed away, on all my main timelines.